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Lao Economy from 1954 - 1975History of Lao Economy

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    • Category : Social Sciences > Economics & Finance
    • Taught by : Sengchanh Chanthasene
    • Created By : National University of Laos
    • Offered By : ASEAN Cyber University
    • Date Added : 2019.12.13
    • Hits : 603
    • Keyword : Colonial, Colonialism, Economic planning, Economic planning, statistics

    "This chapter describes the Situation of kingdom government under French’s colonial, the economic situation in French Colonial,policy supported of Kingdom Government from foreign. 1. How did the situation of Kingdom Government ? - This material explains about the complete system to relate with economy, army and other to oppressing newly independent countries with the unevenness of economy and inequality from French's colonial. 2. How did the economic situation in French Colonial? - This material explains about the 4 sectors of economic such as Agriculture, handicraft,industy and trade, transportation and budgeting. 3. What did policy supported of Kingdom Government from foreign? - This material explains about duration of assistance, the basic of Franc's aid, the format and the procedure of France's aid, america's supporting for kingdom government."

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